
This page features a collection of our best money-saving tips, hacks and tricks that we’ve accumulated over the years.

Be sure to let us know your favourite tips in the comments section!

Personal Profit is now The Mindful Money Project!

Hello there good reader! I’m proud to announce that I have re-branded my site. No longer are we Personal Profit. We are now The Mindful Money Project! Why have I made the change? There were a few reasons why I made the change, other than being chronically indecisive! 1. Blogs in the same space with

Personal Profit is now The Mindful Money Project! Read More »

can you lose money in a savings account uk and how to protect against it

Can you lose money in a savings account? And how to stop the invisible erosion!

This will be counter-intuitive to a lot of people reading this, but is it really possible to actually lose money in a savings account? I’m not talking about some whacky negative interest rate either (which might not be as far-fetched as it sounds). If you stick with me, I’ll discuss whether you can lose money

Can you lose money in a savings account? And how to stop the invisible erosion! Read More »