Personal Profit is now The Mindful Money Project!

Hello there good reader!

I’m proud to announce that I have re-branded my site. No longer are we Personal Profit. We are now The Mindful Money Project!

Why have I made the change?

There were a few reasons why I made the change, other than being chronically indecisive!

1. Blogs in the same space with similar names

There were some blogs (both new and established) that write about similar topics and have very similar names to my old site; Personal Profit!

Even though a lot of my content is designed around helping you boost your personal profit, by managing your money more effectively, I didn’t want to cause confusion with these other content creators.

2. No consistent ability to brand across the web

No social media handles were available for Personal Profit, as they had already been taken! Oops!

3. I didn’t like the connotations

Even though I think it is important for you to think more about yourself as a business, with the need to generate a “profit” that you can start to invest, I didn’t like the connotations of such a word in relation to personal finances.

I wouldn’t have been surprised if people would have thought a site named Personal Profit wouldn’t have hawked dodgy schemes and such, which is why I wanted to drop it.

My philosophy is about empowering people to manage their money more effectively, intentionally and mindfully engaging with their money to use it as a tool to build the future they want. Rather than being a slave to money, you become a master to it.

As such, it needed a redesign.

The new logo!

I hope you like the rebrand and that it resonates a bit more with you.

I’ve put together some new branding which is very similar to the style of the old site.

I would love to hear your views, so don’t hesitate dropping a comment in the section below or sending me an email via the contact page.

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